URSI Newsletter is our quarterly magazine with general information about activities within URSI, our Member Committees, Scientific Commissions,... distributed and available to all our URSI members and subscribers to our mailing lists. The URSI Newsletter is edited by the URSI Secretariat and welcomes contributions from all of you. Do you have any information to share? .. let us know at info@ursi.org .
URSI Radio Science Letters
URSI Radio Science Letters (RSL) is an electronic journal owned and operated by URSI. It was started in 2019 and its purpose is to rapidly publish original and previously unpublished scientific research work in all areas of radio science, in the form of short contributions that are rigorously reviewed. The journal is open access and will be published only in electronic format, one volume per calendar year. Each accepted contribution will be identified by volume number, year of publication, page numbers, and DOI. Each reviewed and accepted paper will be published as soon as full editing is completed. The URSI Board has appointed Prof. Henrik Wallén as the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of the RSL.
The Radio Science Bulletin
The Radio Science Bulletin (published from 1938 till 2021) contained scientific articles covering the fields of interest of the ten scientific commissions of URSI. Emphasis lied on non-specialised contributions that are oriented towards the radioscientist community.
The Radio Science Bulletin also contained items of information concerning the activities of URSI; such as notices relating to past and future scientific symposia, announcements about the activities of the Board of Officers and the Scientific Commissions and the Working Groups of URSI, reports on relevant decisions of other ICSU organisations, as well as book reviews, and historical articles of interest to radioscientists.
Lists of the names and addresses of the Officers of URSI appeared each year in the December issue.
All issues from 1938 to 2021 are now available under the section "The Radio Science Bulletin".
100 Years of the International Union of Radio Science
In 1919, shortly after the end of World War I, a small number of countries created the International Research Council and, with it, four scientific Unions, of which one was the Union Internationale de Radiotélégraphie Scientifique. The first General Assembly was held in 1922, and in 1928 the Union changed its name to the Union Radioscientifique Internationale (URSI) or the International Union of Radio Science.
Since then URSI has grown from its original three members to over forty members and its areas of research have substantially evolved. However, a constant through the last century has been the dual strands of scientific research using radio techniques online notepad, and applied research to support the ever-growing application of electromagnetic waves and signals. Sometimes one has been in the ascendancy in URSI, sometimes the other. It seems very likely that this duality will continue into the second century, albeit with different emphases as topics wax and wane.
This centennial publication presents an eclectic compendium of articles from twenty Member Committees and all ten Commissions, plus one overview historical article. Each article has a different emphasis, with some focused on individuals and others on particular topics. Together we hope they provide a valuable historical narrative and much interesting reading.
This publication is available in digital form for free. A printed copy can be ordered for 36 euro to cover printing and mailing costs. A link to order and prepay your printed copy is available under the heading "URSI 100 Years" on this page.
URSI-sponsored Journals
Radio Science
The Radio Science Journal, sponsored by URSI and published by the American Geophysical Union, contains original articles on all aspects of electromagnetic phenomena related to physical problems. It covers the propagation through and interaction of electromagnetic waves with geophysical media, biological media, plasmas, and man-made structures.
URSI Newsletters
The URSI Newsletter is part of the plan to increase the visibility of URSI, and to stimulate the exchange of information amongst the URSI scientists. The Newsletter is published and distributed by e-mail. It allows more informal communication with URSI scientists.
URSI Radio Science Letters (RSL) is an electronic journal owned and operated by the International Union of Radio Science (URSI). Its purpose is to rapidly publish original and previously unpublished scientific research work in all areas of radio science, in the form of short contributions that are rigorously reviewed. The journal is open access and is published only in electronic format, one volume per calendar year. Each reviewed and accepted letter is published as soon as full editing is completed. Each published contribution is identified by volume number, year of publication, and DOI.
Submission of manuscripts
The URSI Radio Science Letters (RSL) welcomes scientific contributions in all areas of radio science from all authors, with no discrimination on the basis on race, ethnicity, sex and sexual orientation, disability, nationality, religious and political ideologies, scientific ideas, or membership in organizations. The RSL adheres to the principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE (https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.12).
Contributions to the RSL must be in the form of manuscripts in English, not exceeding four published pages in length. An additional page will be accepted at no charge if it contains only references. In exceptional circumstances, a letter of up to six published pages which contains high-quality scientific results may be accepted with the approval of the Editor-in-Chief (EIC).
A template and instructions for prospective authors are provided:
Initial submissions must be in PDF. Final submissions must also contain a source file, either Word or LaTeX. The PeerTrack manuscript management system of Allen Press is used to handle the submissions and the review and publishing process. The year of publication is the year of submission of the manuscript.
The RSL is intended to be a very rapid publication journal. The EIC will reject all manuscripts which content does not belong to radio science, and will return to the corresponding author manuscripts which need reformatting. The EIC will assign manuscripts with appropriate technical content and format to an Associate Editor, who will obtain at least two independent and anonymous reviews. In a cover letter accompanying the submission, the corresponding author may request that specific individuals be excluded from the review process. The EIC will promptly notify the corresponding author of the comments of the reviewers, of the Associate Editor’s comments, and of the consequent disposition of the manuscript. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to keep any and all co-authors fully informed at all stages of the review process.
Only minor changes are acceptable. If minor revisions are required, a revised manuscript must be submitted within thirty days of the EIC’s decision, unless the EIC grants additional revision time. If major changes are required, the manuscript will be rejected with or without a suggestion to submit a revised version, which will undergo a new round of reviews. Plagiarism, as well as duplicate submission and publication, will result in rejection of the submission.
Publication agreement and page charges
Authors of accepted manuscripts are expected to sign the URSI Publication Agreement as a precondition to publication. A manuscript processing charge of 175 USD per published page or fraction thereof (reduced to 150 USD for URSI Senior Members and Fellows) is to be paid as a condition for the posting of an accepted contribution. There will be no discount for pages over four.
The URSI Board has approved a special reduced rate of 100 USD per page, up to four pages, for all letters originating from presentations at symposia technically co-sponsored by URSI and submitted to the RSL by December 15 of the calendar year in which the symposia took place.
Quang M. Nguyen, Theodore K. Anthony, and Amir I. Zaghloul
"Design of Wideband Compact Electric-Inductive-Capacitive (ELC) Inclusions for Metamaterials" https://doi.org/10.46620/19-0003
Special section on the 2019 Electromagnetic Theory Symposium (2019 EMTS) Guest Editor: Henrik Wallén
A. Ishimaru,
‘‘Statistical electromagnetic theories and applications, and some outstanding problems’’ https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0003,
A. Sihvola, B. Kong, P. Yl¨a-Oijala, D.C. Tzarouchis, and H. Wallén,
‘‘Scattering, extinction and albedo of impedance-boundary objects’’ https://doi.org/10.46620/19-0009,
P.L.E. Uslenghi,
‘‘Exact geometrical optics scattering by a class of metallic wedges under multiple plane waves illumination’’ https://doi.org/10.46620/19-0005,
R.E. Jacobsen, S. Arslanagi, and A.V. Lavrinenko,
‘‘Mie resonances in water spheres for microwave metamaterials and antennas’’ https://doi.org/10.46620/19-0011,
M. Ali, M. Ando, T. Kinoshita, and T. Kuroki,
‘‘Accuracy check of GTD MER with weighted fringe wave using Fresnel zone number for grazing incidence and slope wave diffraction’’ https://doi.org/10.46620/19-0012,
A.K. Iyer,
‘‘Careers and contributions of George Sinclair and Edward Jordan: from the University of Alberta to the origins of EMTS on its 60th anniversary’’ https://doi.org/10.46620/19-0013,
E.J. Rothwell and S. Karuppuswami,
‘‘Characterization of conductor-backed absorbing material using a bottom-filled rectangular waveguide’’ https://doi.org/10.46620/19-0006,
C. Estatico, A. Fedeli, M. Pastorino, and A. Randazzo,
‘‘Variable-exponent Lebesgue-space inversion for cross-borehole subsurface imaging’’ https://doi.org/10.46620/19-0014,
Takashi Hikage, Suzune Ito, and Atsuki Ohtsuka
"Novel Interference Voltage Measurement for Beam-Type Wireless Power Transfer Using an Electro-Optical Converter for EMI Assessment of Active Implantable Medical Devices" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0039
Fabio Paonessa, Lorenzo Ciorba, Giuseppe Virone, Pietro Bolli, Alessio Magro, Andrew McPhail, Dave Minchin, and Raunaq Bhushan
"SKA-Low Prototypes Deployed in Australia: Synoptic of the UAV-Based Experimental Results" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0021
Seigo Ohno, Yu Tokizane, Jun-ichi Shikata, and Hiroaki Minamide
"Phase and Direction Control of a Terahertz Wave Propagating in a Waveguide Coupled With a Bull's-Eye Structure" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0030
Alexandre Alvares Pimenta
"Propagation of Nighttime Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTIDs) During High and Low Solar-Activity Conditions" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0015
Apostolos Z. Papafragkakis and Athanasios D. Panagopoulos
"Site- and Time-Diversity Experimental Statistics at Ka and Q Bands in Attica, Greece, Using Alphasat" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0066
Xueqing Liu, Trond Ytterdal, and Michael Shur
"TeraFET Optimization for 0.1 THz to 10 THz Operation" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0010
Alexander I-Chi Lai, Chung-Yuan Chen, and Ruey-Beei Wu
"A Mutual Information–Based Infrastructureless Radio Frequency Positioning System via Deep Learning" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0024
Ben Minnaert, Giuseppina Monti, Alessandra Costanzo, and Mauro Mongiardo
"Power Maximization for a Multiport Network Described by the Admittance Matrix" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0029
Giuseppina Monti, Mauro Mongiardo, Ben Minnaert, Alessandra Costanzo, and Luciano Tarricone
"Resonant Inductive WPT Link in MISO Configuration" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0037
Paul La Plante, Peter K. G. Williams, and Joshua S. Dillon
"Developing a Real-Time Processing System for HERA" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0041
Scott G. H. Kriel and Dirk I. L. de Villiers
"Mutual Coupling Effects Between Test and Reference Antennas in Near-Field Measurements" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0025
Alessandro Fedeli, Claudio Estatico, Andrea Randazzo, and Matteo Pastorino
"Multifrequency Microwave Tomography in Lebesgue Spaces With Nonconstant Exponents" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0032
Crystal T. Wu, Nuno M. Nobre, Emmanuel Fort, Graham D. Riley, and Fumie Costen
"Characteristics of Reversed Propagations Generated Using Time Reversal Mirrors and Instantaneous Time Mirrors in Electromagnetics" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0042
Amedeo Capozzoli, Claudio Curcio, and Angelo Liseno
"Optimized NUFFTs for Interpolations in Back-Projection Algorithms" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0031
Andrea Petricca, Christian Canestri, Cosmo Mitrano, Riccardo Ardoino, Walter Fuscaldo, and Alessandro Galli
"Statistical Analysis and Model Validation of a UWB Innovative Phased Array for M-AESA Applications" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0033
Yue Wang and Qi Liu
"Parameter Configuration and Data Accuracy Analysis for Real-Time RFI Detection" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0043
Ghulam Murtaza, Mazen Shanawani, Diego Masotti, and Alessandra Costanzo
"Design of a SWIPT System With Special Consideration of the Near-Field WPT in the 27 MHz Band" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0044
Lakhima Chutia, Narendra Ojha, Imran A. Girach, Binita Pathak, Lokesh K. Sahu, and Pradip K. Bhuyan
"Seasonal Evolution of Sulfur Dioxide Over the Indian Subcontinent" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0046
Jonas Tebart, Matthias Steeg, Florian Exner, Andreas Czylwik, and Andreas Stohr
"Frequency-Scalable Coherent Radio-Over-Fiber Architecture for 100 Gbit/s Wireless Transmission" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0059
R. Nebuloni, M. D’Amico, G. Cazzaniga, and C. De Michele
"On the Use of Minimum and Maximum Attenuation for Retrieving Rainfall Intensity Through Commercial Microwave Links" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0062
Jingtian Xi, Corbett Rowell, Jose M. Fortes, Fereshteh Rouholahnejad, Benoit Derat, and Niels Kuster
"Optimization of SAM Head Phantom for Compact Antenna Test Ranges" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0064
T. A. Siddiqui, P. Khanal, J. Holopainen, and V. Viikari
"Further Investigation of a Frequency-Reconfigurable Transponder on the Basis of a Mutually Coupled Antenna Cluster and Phased Modulators" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0045
Clezio M. Denardini, Giorgio A. S. Pican¸co, Paulo F. Barbosa Neto, Paulo A. B. Nogueira, Carolina S. Carmo, Laysa C. A. Resende, Juliano Moro, Sony S. Chen, Esmeralda Romero- Hernandez, Regia P. Silva, and Cristiano M. Wrasse
"Ionospheric-Scale Index Map Based on TEC Data for South America" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0009
Peter M. van den Berg and Jacob T. Fokkema
"New Insight in the Propagation of Wave Fronts in the Vicinity of a Refractive Object" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0011
Adrian T. Sutinjo, Benjamin McKinley, Leonid Belostotski, Daniel C. X. Ung, and Jishnu Nambissan T.
"Design Equations for Closely Spaced Two-Element Interferometer for Radio Cosmology" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0017
Florin Hutu, Vincent Lechappé, Guillaume Villemaud, and Michael Di Loreto
"Study of Distributed Beamforming for Wireless Power Transfer in the Presence of RF Impairments" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0040
Shuang Liu, Akihiro Kuwahata, and Masaki Sekino
"Design of a Multi-Locus Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Coil With a Single Driver" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0057
Imara Mohamed Nazar and Mustafa Aksoy
"Radio Frequency Interference Detection in Microwave Radiometry Using Support Vector Machines" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0034
Patrick Savelli, Vincent Savaux, Pauline Desnos, Ali Zeineddine, Matthieu Kanj, and Christophe Delacourt
"Flexible Multi-Standard Digital Front End for LPWA Technologies" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0007
Hanno Spreeuw, Sarod Yatawatta, Ben van Werkhoven, and Faruk Diblen
"SAGECal Performance With Large Sky Models" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0026
Elguja Archemashvili, Vakhtang Jandieri, Hiroshi Maeda, Kiyotoshi Yasumoto, Jaromir Pistora, and Daniel Erni
"Numerical Analysis of Dielectric Post-Wall Waveguides and Band-Pass Filters" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0027
M. Beccaria, A. Niccolai, A. Massaccesi, R. E. Zich, and P. Pirinoli
"SNO-Based Design of Wide-Angle Beam-Scanning Reflectarrays" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0047
Junchen Xue, Lin Quan, and Wenyao Zhu
"The Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Hourly TECs Derived From Selected Representative Ionospheric Climatology Models" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0006
Nat Gopalswamy, Sachiko Akiyama, Pertti Makela, and Seiji Yashiro
"Diffuse Interplanetary Radio Emission: Shock Emission or a Type III Storm?" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0049
Elizabeth George, Debarati Ganguly, Debdeep Sarkar, Chinmoy Saha, Jawad Siddiqui, and Yahia Antar
"Time Domain Analysis of UWB Printed Monopole-Based Two-Port Systems for Characterization of On- to Off-Body Channels" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0061
Amedeo Capozzoli, Claudio Curcio, and Angelo Liseno
"Optimized 2-D NUFFTs for Spiral Scanning in MRI" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0020
Baker B. Al-Bahri and Piergiorgio L. E. Uslenghi
"Exact Scattering by Metal Structures With Strips and Right-Angle Wedges" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0022
Alkmini Michaloglou and Nikolaos L. Tsitsas
"Particle Swarm Optimization of Layered Media Cloaking Performance" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0016
Filippo Costa and Giuliano Manara
"Waveguide Leaky-Wave Antennas: Modal Configuration and Dispersion Properties" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0013
E. Narita, Y. Shimizu, M. Matsunaga, N. Shinohara, and J. Miyakoshi
"Effects of Ultrahigh-Frequency Electromagnetic Field at 28 GHz on Micronucleus Formation in Human Cell Lines" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0018
Luca Olmi and Pietro Bolli
"EM Simulations of Super-Resolution With the Active Surface of a Radio Telescope" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0019
Regis Rousseau, Guillaume Villemaud, and Florin Hutu
"State-Space Model Representation to Characterize an Energy-Harvesting Circuit" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0038
Daiya Nagata, Ryota Birukawa, Yu-ichi Hayashi, Takaaki Mizuki, and Hideaki Sone
"Design of Suitable Controlled Image for Evaluation of EM Information Leakage" https://doi.org/10.46620/20-0054
Anna Papio Toda, Nicolaos G. Alexopoulos, and Franco De Flaviis
"The Theodorus of Cyrene Spiral Geometry and Its Application to Antenna Design" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0003
Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi
"Invisibility of a Rectangular Prism Made of Anti-Isorefractive DNG Metamaterial Immersed in a Standing-Wave Field" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0005
Atsushi Saito
"Fabrication of a Miniature Figure-of-Eight Coil for Micromagnetic Stimulation on Neuronal Tissue" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0008
Thomas Bonnafont, Rémi Douvenot, and Alexandre Chabory
"Determination of the Thresholds in the Split-Step Wavelet Method to Assess Accuracy for Long- Range Propagation" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0009
Eduardo Perez Macho, Emılia Correia, and Jose Henrique Fernandez
"Solar Cycle Dependence and Seasonal Variation of Ionospheric Radio Scintillations" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0012
Mads Tønnes, Etienne Cantin, Dan Xu, Olivier Lopez, Anne Amy-Klein, and Paul-Eric Pottie
"Scientific Data Processing of a Fiber Network for Optical Frequency Transfer: Methods and Studies" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0011
Vito Daniele and Guido Lombardi
"A New Method to Estimate the Contribution of Geometrical Optics in Arbitrary Linear Stratified Planar Structures" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0017
Yangqing Liu, Tadahiro Negishi, and Danilo Erricolo
"Exact Solution of Electromagnetic Scattering From a Dipole Antenna Located Inside a Multilayer Metamaterial Oblate Spheroidal Cavity" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0018
Ari Sihvola, Rashda Parveen, Henrik Wallen, and Pasi Yla-Oijala
"Enhanced Backscattering for Dielectrically Active Scatterers" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0020
M. Idemen
"Basic Differential Equations of Theoretical Physics After the Concept of Generalized Functions in the Sense of Distribution and the Double Current Sheet Problem of Van Bladel" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0014
Yasuhiro Koyama, Patrizia Tavella, and Judah Levine
"Statements from International Union of Radio Science (URSI) on the Need for a Continuous Reference Timescale" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0047
Alex T. Chartier
"Coordinate Registration of Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) Radar Backscatter Using Three-Dimensional (3D) Ray Tracing" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0065
Endri Stoja, Dennis Philipp, Simon Konstandin, Diego Betancourt, Robin Niklas Wilke, Reiner Umathum, J¨urgen Jenne, Thomas Bertuch, and Matthias Gunther
"Performance Assessment of a Single-Layer Metasurface Resonator for 3 T MRI" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0060
Giovanni Riccio, Gianluca Gennarelli, Flaminio Ferrara, Claudio Gennarelli, and Rocco Guerriero
"The UAPO Solution for the Plane Wave Diffraction by a Resistive Half Plane: Validation Tests" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0023
Takashi Nagasaka and Kazuya Kobayashi
"Plane-Wave Diffraction by a Slit in a Thin Material Screen" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0044
Ludger Klinkenbusch and Giuliano Manara
"Diffraction of an Arbitrary Uniform Complex-Source Beam by a Perfectly Conducting Wedge" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0022
Paul D Smith and Audrey J Markowskei
"Rounding the Corners of Scatterers: A Perturbation Analysis of Far-Field Changes" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0045
Carlo Carobbi and Alessio Bonci
"Results of an Interlaboratory Comparison of Current Harmonic Measurements Performed According to IEC 61000-3-2" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0024
Silvio Ceccuzzi, Federico Guerra, and Giuseppe Schettini
"Analysis of a Multilayer Film with Coupled Mode Theory" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0033
Hideaki Sone, Daiya Nagata, Yuichi Hayashi, and Takaaki Mizuki
"Design of Quick Response (QR) Barcode for Resistance Against Electromagnetic (EM) Information Leakage" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0066
Bruno Santos, Arnaldo S. R. Oliveira, Nuno Borges Carvalho, Rui Fernandes, Andrea Cannizzaro, and Pedro Miguel Cruz
"FMCW Radar Point Cloud Multiperson Tracking Using a Kalman Filter–Based Approach" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0068
Nicolas Troesch, Arnaud Vena, Benoˆıt Ropars, Lionel Lapierre, Luc Rossi, R´emi Bouchard, and Brice Sorli
"Short-Range Submarine Radio System for Localization of Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles and Cave Divers in Fresh Water" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0056
Takashi Nagasaka and Kazuya Kobayashi
"Plane Wave Diffraction by a Semi-Infinite Plate With Fractional Boundary Conditions" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0042
Yuto Shimizu, Kensuke Sasaki, and Tomoaki Nagaoka
"Design of Coaxial Sensor for Dielectric Measurement of Biological Tissues Below 100 MHz Frequency Range" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0040
Erik Schm¨olter and Jens Berdermann
"Real-Time Solar Storm Onset Determination at Lagrange Point 1 (L1) Based on an Optimized Effective Pressure Parameter" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0015
Behzad Ashrafi Nia and Franco De Flaviis
"Compact Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Stack Patch Antenna Array With Capacitive Feed for Fifth-Generation (5G) Applications" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0013
Sravani Vaddi, P. K. Manoharan, and D. Anish Roshi
"Long-Term Meter Wavelength Variability Study of Blazar J1415þ1320 Using the Ooty Radio Telescope" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0019
Vani Vellanki, David R. Jackson, and Daniel Onofrei
"Radar Cross-Section Reduction of an Arbitrary Object Using a Resistor-Loaded Patch" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0050
Valentina Schenone, Alessandro Fedeli, Claudio Estatico, Matteo Pastorino, and Andrea Randazzo
"Microwave Imaging of Mixed Metallic–Dielectric Configurations via a Finite Element-Based Variable Exponent Approach" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0036
Sembiam R. Rengarajan
"Optimum Power Pattern Synthesis With Woodward–Lawson and Schelkunoff’s Root Displacement Techniques" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0035
Felix Vega, John J. Pantoja, and Chaouki Kasmi
"Closed-Form Analytical Expression for the Electric Field Distribution in an Ideal Stripline" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0052
Rezy Pradipta and Patricia H. Doherty
"Advancing Our Understanding on Ionospheric Threats to SBAS/GBAS Operations Over North and South America" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0054
Diogo Matos, Ricardo Correia, and Nuno Borges Carvalho"
"Dual-Band FET-Based Reflection Amplifier for Backscatter Modulator Performance Enhancement" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0039
You Zhou, Sezin Sayin, and Mona Zaghloul
"Study of Surface Acoustic Wave Transmission Property With Different Interdigital Transducer Materials" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0032
Ridalise Louw, Ferre Knaepkens, Annie Cuyt, Wen-shin Lee, Stefan J. Wijnholds, Dirk I. L. de Villiers, and Rina-Mari Weideman
"Antenna Position Estimation Through Subsampled Exponential Analysis of Signals in the Near Field" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0062
Marco Cavenago
"Wave Equation for Magnetoplasmas in Frequency Domain and Its Zero-Divergence Constraint" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0030
E. F. Lauria, G. P. Reiland, A. W. Lichtenberger, A. R. Kerr, and L. M. Ziurys
"A New Multiband Receiver for the ALMA Prototype 12 m Telescope of the Arizona Radio Observatory" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0057
Pietro Bolli, Franco Buffa, Letizia Caito, Ettore Carretti, Giovanni Comoretto, Davide Fierro, Federica Govoni, Andrea Melis, Matteo Murgia, Alessandro Navarrini, Alessandro Orfei, Andrea Orlati, Tonino Pisanu, Sergio Poppi, Ignazio Porceddu, Andrea Possenti, Alessandro Attoli, Ugo Becciani, Carolina Belli, Giuseppe Carboni, Maria Teresa Caria, Alessandro Cattani, Tiziana Coiana, Raimondo Concu, Luca Cresci, Gian Luigi Deiana, Antonietta Fara, Franco Fiocchi, Francesco Gaudiomonte, Adelaide Ladu, Andrea Maccaferri, Sergio Mariotti, Pasqualino Marongiu, Adina Mascia, Carlo Migoni, Emilio Molinari, Marco Morsiani, Renzo Nesti, Luca Olmi, Pierluigi Ortu, Stefano Palmas, Mauro Pili, Antonio Poddighe, Marco Poloni, Teresa Pulvirenti, Simona Righini, Juri Roda, Alessandro Scalambra, Francesco Schilliro, Luca Schirru, Renata Maria Schirru, Giampaolo Serra, Riccardo Smareglia, Gian Paolo Vargiu, Fabio Vitello, and Fabrizio Zorcolo
"Status of the High-Frequency Upgrade of the Sardinia Radio Telescope" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0026
Alexander I-Chi Lai and Ruey-Beei Wu
"An Asynchronous Heterogeneous Fusion Framework for RF Localization Ensembles" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0034
Fares B. Mehouachi, Qingjie Yang, Juan Galvis, Santiago Morales, Milosch Meriac,
Felix Vega, and Chaouki Kasmi
"Detection of UAVs Based on Spectrum Monitoring and Deep Learning in Negative SNR Conditions" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0043
Andoni Beriain, Hector Solar, Yvan Duroc, and Smail Tedjini
"Voltage Multiplier Design for Harmonic Communication in Harvester-Assisted Ultrahigh Frequency (UHF) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Systems" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0058
Peter Jeschke, Carsten Altek¨oster, Ingo B¨ommels, Kai Jagielski, Corinna Becker, and Mathias Hoffmann
"Implementation of 2013/35/EU in Germany: Risk Assessment Based on Exposure Limit Values" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0028
C. L. Carilli, F. Walter, R. Decarli, M. Aravena, Dominik A. Riechers, J. Gonzalez-Lopez, Yali Shao, L. Boogaard, R. Bouwens, and M. Neeleman
"Dense Gas History of the Universe: From ASPECS to the ngVLA" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0038
Dario Sabbagh, Martina Orlando, Loredana Perrone, Gianfranco Cianchini, Angelo De Santis, and Alessandro Piscini
"Analysis of the Ionospheric Perturbations Prior to the 2009 L’Aquila and 2002 Molise Earthquakes from Ground- and Space-Based Observations" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0063
Patrizia Savi, Yuekun Pei, and Albert J. Milani
"Explicit Complex Solutions to the Fresnel Coefficients" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0048
Vladimir V. Tchernyi (Cherny), Sergey V. Kapranov, and Andrey Yu. Pospelov
"Role of Electromagnetism in the Origin of Saturn’s Rings Due to Diamagnetism of Their Ice Particles: J. C. Maxwell Had Almost Solved the Rings Origin Problem" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0069
Andrea Michel, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Giuliano Manara, and Paolo Nepa
"A Smart Glove for Near-Field UHF RFID Applications" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0046
Luciana Rossato Spatafora, Regina C. S. Alvala´, Ana Paula M. A. Cunha, Jose Antonio Marengo, Merce Vall-llossera, Miriam Pablos, and Patrizia Savi
"Remote Sensing as a Tool for Agricultural Drought Alert Over the South Region of Brazil" https://doi.org/10.46620/21-0049
David R. Themens, Ben Reid, and Sean Elvidge
"ARTIST Ionogram Autoscaling Confidence Scores:Best Practices" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0001
Reyhan Baktur, Emerson Oliveira, Lidia Shibuya Sato, and Charles Swenson
"An X Band Downlink Antenna for a CubeSat Mission" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0004
A. De Angelis, L. Caramazza, F. M. Andre, C. Merla, L. M. Mir, F. Apollonio, and M. Liberti
"Gaps and Challenges in Microdosimetry: Improvements With Realistic Models of Endoplasmic Reticulum" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0003
Alec Weiss, Atef Elsherbeni, Jeanne Quimby, and Jacob D. Rezac
"Monte Carlo Augmented Channel Estimator" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0006
Terje Tjelta and Jostein Mamen
"Zero-Degree Height in the Arctic Derived From Radiosonde and Numerical Weather Data" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0007
Debdeep Sarkar and Yahia Antar
"New Look on Fields and Energy Around Multiband Antennas: A Case Study Using Interdigital Capacitor–Loaded Monopoles" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0002
Mohamad Younes and Yves Louet
"Optimal Density of Base Stations in Dense Networks From the Point of View of Energy Efficiency" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0010
Behzad Ashrafi Nia, Soheil Saadat, and Franco De Flaviis
"A New Class of Ultra-Low-Profile, Highly Flexible Antenna Arrays for the Fifth-Generation Millimeter-Wave Communication Band on Flexible Printed Circuit Board" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0009
Atsushi Saito, Shin Ohtani, Keiji Wada, Yukihisa Suzuki, Kenji Hattori, Akira Ushiyama, and Satoshi Nakasono
"Real-Time Detection of Neuronal Network Activity Under 85 kHz Band High-Intensity Intermediate Frequency-Magnetic Field Exposure" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0012
Maria Antonia Maisto, Mehdi Masoodi, and Raffaele Solimene
"Transverse Resolution in Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0014
C. Briand, B. Cecconi, N. Chrysaphi, J. N. Girard, J.-M. Grießmeier, K. Hariharan, A. Loh, P. Murphy, K. Sasikumar Raja, P. Zarka, and P. Zhang
"NenuFAR Performance for Solar Radio Observations" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0017
D. L. Hysell, J. L. Chau, J. F. Conte, R. Flores, and M. A. Milla
"Inferring Zonal Wind Profiles in the Equatorial Electrojet From Coherent Scatter" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0019
Vijay Harid, Daniel Main, Mark Gołkowski, Aakash Sahai, Joshua Wewerka, Sri T.R. Chilukury, and Egduard Jauregui
"Improving Radio Transmission Through a Dense Plasma via Electron-Neutral Collisions" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0024
Ryosuke Ozaki and Tsuneki Yamasaki
"Transient Response Analysis of a Dispersive Periodic Grating After Deformation" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0015
Karen N. Olan-Nu˜nez and Roberto S. Murphy-Arteaga
"Enhanced Monopole Antenna for On-Chip E-Band Applications" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0018
Muhammad Yasir and Patrizia Savi
"Analysis of Transmission Properties of Sludge Biochar Composites in the C-Band" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0032
Mir Lodro, Gabriele Gradoni, and Steve Greedy
"Experimental Evaluation of a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) Impersonator Detection System Using Deep Learning" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0023
Xiao Yan Wang, Rong Rong Qian, Chong Xing Huang, Ming Huang, and Jing Jing Yang
"An Anomaly Detector Using Filtering Stockwell Transform and Siamese Convolutional Neural Network in Radio Monitoring (AnoFSTSCNN)" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0035
Song Yan Mo, Chong Xing Huang, Jing Jing Yang, and Ming Huang
"Radio Monitoring Coverage Assessment Based on Nighttime Light Remote Sensing Data" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0036
Giovanni Riccio, Gianluca Gennarelli, Flaminio Ferrara, Claudio Gennarelli, and Rocco Guerriero
"Junction of Two Coplanar Resistive Half-Planes: A Uniform Asymptotic Solution for the Plane Wave Diffraction and Validation Tests" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0037
David R. Jackson, Francisco Mesa, Krzysztof A. Michalski, and Juan R. Mosig
"A Leaky-Wave Interpretation of the Zenneck Wave" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0042
Ian Goode and Carlos E. Saavedra
"Three-dimensional (3D) Printed Dielectric Lens and Support Structure Mounted on an Open-Ended W-Band Waveguide" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0026
Roee Geva and Raphael Kastner
"Inherently Matched Arrays Over Wide Scan Ranges, Part I: Self-Dual Radiating Element" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0030
Roee Geva and Raphael Kastner
"Inherently Matched Arrays Over Wide Scan Ranges, Part II: Self-Dual Power Splitters" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0031
Tanner J. Douglas, Adib Y. Nashashibi, Hussein N. Shaman, and Kamal Sarabandi
"A Simple Structure Orthomode Transducer for Millimeter-Wave Applications" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0069
F. Sapienza, G. Bacci, F. Giannetti, V. Lottici, A. Vaccaro, G. Serafino, A. Ortolani, F. Caparrini, A. Antonini, S. Melani, A. Mazza, L. Baldini, E. Adirosi, and L. Facheris
"A Feasibility Study on Opportunistic Rainfall Measurement From Satellite TV Broadcasts" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0033
Tobias G. W. Verhulst and Stanimir M. Stankov
"The Changing Shape of the Ionosphere During a Solar Eclipse" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0068
Viviane Pierrard, Alexandre Winant, Edith Botek, Jean-Fran¸cois Ripoll, Melanie Cosmides, David M. Malaspina, Geoffrey D. Reeves, and Scott A. Thaller
"Simultaneous Observations of the June 23, 2015, Intense Storm at Low Earth Orbit and Geostationary Transfer Orbit" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0016
Valentina Schenone, Claudio Estatico, Matteo Pastorino, Andrea Randazzo, and Alessandro Fedeli
"Electromagnetic Imaging in Stratified Media by Means of a Finite-Element Variable-Exponent Inversion Approach" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0067
David Shklyar, Elena Titova, and Andris Lubchich
"Two-Band Whistler-Mode Waves Outside the Plasmapause: Observational Features and Theoretical Constructions" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0034
K. Lukin, V. Palamarchuk, O. Zemlyanyi, D. Tatyanko, N. Zaets, O. Shelekhov, S. Lukin, P. Jarabo Amores, and M. Rosa Zurera
"Ku-Band Demonstrator of Microwave Video Camera" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0059
Ludger Klinkenbusch and Giuliano Manara
"Slope Diffraction of a Two-Dimensional Dipole Field by a Perfectly Conducting Wedge" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0039
Nicholas Rainville, Scott Palo, John Marino, and Ryan Volz
"Multistatic Radar Development for the Colorado Zephyr Meteor Radar Network" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0061
Mohamad Younes and Yves Louet
"Spectral Efficiency Optimization in Mass Transmission for Civil and Military Security" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0066
David Santiago, Miguel A. G. Laso, Txema Lopetegi, and Ivan Arregui
"Gap Waveguide Topology With Reduced Height Pins for Millimeter-Wave Components" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0029
Brecht De Beelde, Arno Thielens, Reza Aminzadeh, and Wout Joseph
"On-Body Path Loss Modeling in the 110 GHz to 170 GHz Frequency Range" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0063
Amedeo Capozzoli, Claudio Curcio, and Angelo Liseno
"Singular Value Optimization for Multifrequency Multimonostatic Inverse Scattering Over Circular Domains Under the Born Approximation" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0065
Maximilian Semmling, Jens Berdermann, Martin Kriegel, Friederike Fohlmeister, and Hiroatsu Sato
"Ionosphere Sounding in the Central Arctic: Preliminary Results of the Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) Expedition" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0070
Amedeo Capozzoli, Claudio Curcio, and Angelo Liseno
"Optimized, Parallel Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for Radiation From Aperiodic Arrays" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0064
Chang-Lun Liao
"Radiation Pattern Verification of Active Antenna Systems Using Near-Field Measurements" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0058
Special section on the 2022 URSI Japan Radio Science Meeting (2022 URSI JRSM) Guest Editors: Kazuya Kobayashi, Satoshi Yagitani, Yasuhide Hobara
Kensuke Sasaki and Tomoaki Nagaoka
"Dielectric Modeling of Adipose Tissue as a Function of Water Content From 1 GHz to 100 GHz" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0027
Yaxiang Wu, Jiro Hirokawa, and Takashi Tomura
"Gap Waveguide With Interleaved Pins for Higher-Frequency Fabrication" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0040
Takashi Nagasaka, Kazuma Kishiguchi, and Kazuya Kobayashi
"Diffraction by a Fractional Semi-Infinite Plate: Comparison with Impedance Boundary Conditions" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0043
Yuma Nozaki, Hiroyo Ohya, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Kenro Nozaki, Hiroyuki Nakata, and Kazuo Shiokawa
"Local Time and Seasonal Variations in the D-Region Ionosphere: Does It Reflect Sudden Stratospheric Warming Effects?" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0045
Andrey S. Andrenko, Yuto Shimizu, and Tomoaki Nagaoka
"Specific Absorption Rate Measurement Method for Exposure Assessment and Conformity Evaluation of 2.45 GHz RF Wireless Power Transfer System" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0062
Kentaro Tanaka, Hiroyo Ohya, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Kenro Nozaki, Mariko Teramoto, Kazuo Shiokawa, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Martin Connors, and Hiroyuki Nakata
"Ultra Low Frequency Modulation of Energetic Electron Precipitation in the D-Region Ionosphere in a Magnetically Quiet Time Using OCTAVE Very Low Frequency and Low Frequency (VLF/LF) Observations" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0049
Yuichiro Yano, Motoaki Hara, and Tetsuya Ido
"Time Estimation of a Miniature Atomic Clock Using Instantaneous Frequency Information" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0048
Shuhei Waki, Takuji Nishikawa, Takashi Hikage, and Manabu Yamamoto
"Interference Voltage Estimation for Implantable Cardiac Pacemaker Electromagnetic Interference at Fourth-Generation (4G) and Fifth-Generation (5G) Sub-6 GHz Cellular Frequency Bands" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0047
Makoto Nagai, Hiroaki Imada, Tom Nitta, Yosuke Murayama, Ryohei Noji, and Masato Naruse
"Correlation Polarimeter for Millimeter-Wave Wavefront Sensing" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0044
Tomoe Taki, Satoshi Kurita, Airi Shinjo, Satoko Nakamura, Hirotsugu Kojima, Yoshiya Kasahara, Shoya Matsuda, Ayako Matsuoka, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, and Iku Shinohara
"Phase Difference of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic (ECH) Waves Observed by Using the Interferometry Observation Mode of the Arase Satellite" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0046
Ibuki Fukasawa, Yohei Miyake, Hideyuki Usui, Koshiro Kusachi, Satoshi Kurita, and Hirotsugu Kojima
"Particle-in-Cell Simulations on Interferometry Technique by a Single Spacecraft" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0053
Masaharu Nakayama, Hiroyo Ohya, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Kenro Nozaki, Kazuo Shiokawa, and Hiroyuki Nakata
"Horizontal Inhomogeneity in the D-Region Ionosphere During an X-Class Solar Flare Determined by OCTAVE VLF Observations" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0050
Ken Sato, Kenta Someya, Chongsengchang Khamneexay, and Yoshitsugu Kamimura
"Distance Characteristics of Power Absorption Ratio in a Semi-Infinite Flat Plate Model Using Sommerfeld Theory" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0055
Takashi Nagasaka, Ryota Mimura, and Kazuya Kobayashi
"Plane-Wave Diffraction by a Slit Formed by Two Semi-Infinite Parallel-Plate Waveguides—Part II: The Case of E Polarization" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0054
Yasuhide Hobara, Masahiko Iwamoto, and Masashi Hayakawa
"Spatial Distribution of Very Low Frequency and Low-Frequency (VLF/LF) Transmitter Signal Amplitude Associated With Lower Ionospheric Perturbations: Numerical Modeling and Observations" https://doi.org/10.46620/22-0056
Fabio Peinetti, Simone Quaranta, and Patrizia Savi
"Circuit Model for Graphene Screen-Printed Films" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0004
Kazuhide Hirose, Naonoshin Ito, Yuya Urushibata, and Hisamatsu Nakano
"A Novel Feeding Network for Sequential Rotation Array Antennas Above the Ground Plane" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0009
Victor Darchy, Rémi Douvenot, Stéphane Jamme, and Hélène Galiègue
"Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Through Realistic Inhomogeneous Turbulence" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0013
Mohamad Younes and Yves Louet
"Analytical Analysis of the Impact of RF Circuits on the Optimal Trade-Off Between Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency in Fifth-Generation Small Cell Networks" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0014
Erik Schmölter and Jens Berdermann
"Superposed Epoch Analysis of Storm-Time Total Electron Content for the Improvement of Forecast Models" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0018
Mohamad Younes and Yves Louet
"How Can 5G Network Coverage be Optimized to Avoid Saturation in Security-Threatening Situations? https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0010
Special Section on the URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS 2023)
Bair V. Budaev and David B. Bogy
"From the Ray Approximation to the Exact Method of Random Rays for Wave Scattering Problems" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0005
Damiano Franzò, Simon B. Adrian, Adrien Merlini, and Francesco P. Andriulli
"Efficient Multikernel Hierarchical Compression for Boundary Element Matrices" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0006
Yasuto Sato, Masao Taki, and Noriko Kojimahara
"A Cohort Study on the Use of Commercial Induction Heating Cookers by Pregnant Women and the Birth Weight of Their Infants" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0007
Hisato Iwashita, Fumiaki Kobayashi, Kazuomi Morotomi, Shigeharu Shimamura, Atsushi Higuchi, Hiroyo Ohya, Toshiaki Takano, and Tamio Takamura
"POTEKA Observation/Prediction Technology on the Ground Surface" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0029
Tomoko Nakagawa, Taiki Sato, and Chihiro Kumagai
"Anticorrelation Between Sunspot Number and Spectral Resonance Structures of ELF Magnetic Variations Detected at Kawatabi, Miyagi, Japan" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0035
Makoto Nagai and Hiroaki Imada
"Aperture Efficiency Calculation of Multibeam Axisymmetric Dual-Reflector Antenna of Cassegrain Type" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0033
Elias Le Boudec, Nicolas Mora, Juan R. Mosig, Farhad Rachidi, Marcos Rubinstein, and Felix Vega
"Singular Behavior Analysis of Green’s Functions in Uniaxial Media Using Ordinary Differential Equations" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0016
Ryosuke Ozaki, Chun Wang, and Tsuneki Yamasaki
"Analysis of Inside Response and Electric Field Distribution by Plane Grating in Dispersive Medium" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0027
Peikun Xiong, Shigeru Fujita, Masakazu Watanabe, Takashi Tanaka, and Dongsheng Cai
"3D Topology of Transient Bifurcation Just Before Substorm Onset" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0019
Naiara Duarte, Rafael Alipio, and Farhad Rachidi
"Importance of Ground Return Parameters in Transient Analysis of Overhead Wires" https://doi.org/10.46620/23-0024
Kazuhide Hirose, Koki Nishino, Shintaro Mita, and Hisamatsu Nakano
"A Sequential Rotation Array Antenna Comprising Loop Elements With Quasi Two Sources" https://doi.org/10.46620/24-0004
Fei-Lung Wu, Jung-Sheng Liu, I-Fong Chen, Chia-Mei Peng, and Yuan-Chen Chen
"A 2 x 2 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Antenna Design for WiFi Triple-Band Antenna Module Applications" https://doi.org/10.46620/24-0008
Ari Sihvola
"Four Paths From Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) to Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC)" https://doi.org/10.46620/24-0009
Sakura Tsuruga, Takashi Hikage, Hiroshi Masuda, Tatsuya Ishitake, Kun Li, and Akiko Nagai
"Novel 60 GHz Band Spatial Synthetic Exposure System for Investigating Thermal Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Localized Millimeter-Wave Exposure at Multiple Skin Points" https://doi.org/10.46620/24-0013
Senkhosi Simelane, Roger Deane, Athol Kemball, Roelf Botha, Roufurd Julie, Keitumetse Molamu, Adrian Tiplady, and Aletha de Witt
"Evaluation of South African Candidate Sites for an Expanded Event Horizon Telescope" https://doi.org/10.46620/24-0018
Christopher G. Hynes and Rodney G. Vaughan
"Measurements of an Offset Magnetic Dipole Source Using a Wireless Dual-Loaded Loop" https://doi.org/10.46620/24-0005
Pandhittaya Noikorn and Sherif S. Sherif
"Efficient Simulation of Multidimensional Optical Imaging Using Tensor Train Decomposition" https://doi.org/10.46620/24-0006
Special section on the Roberto Sorrentino Best Paper Award for Young Scientists
Matteo Bruno Lodi, Sonia Zappia, Nicola Curreli, Rosa Scapaticci, Ilaria Catapano, Alessandro Fanti, Lorenzo Crocco, and Giuseppe Mazzarella
"Terahertz Imaging Unravels the Role of Nanoparticle Distribution in Magnetic Scaffolds for RF Hyperthermia" https://doi.org/10.46620/24-0001
Francesco Lestini, Gaetano Marrocco, and Cecilia Occhiuzzi
"Wireless Reconfigurability of Electromagnetic Devices Through RFID Passive Technology" https://doi.org/10.46620/24-0002
Simone Negri, Giordano Spadacini, Flavia Grassi, and Sergio A. Pignari
"Inductively Coupled In-Circuit Measurement of Multiport Admittance Parameters" https://doi.org/10.46620/24-0003
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Radio Science
This journal, published by the American Geophysical Union, publishes original scientific contributions on radio-frequency electromagnetic-propagation and its applications. Contributions covering measurement, modelling, prediction and forecasting techniques pertinent to fields and waves - including antennas, signals and systems, the terrestrial and space environment and radio propagation problems in radio astronomy - are welcome. Contributions may address propagation through, interaction with, and remote sensing of structures, geophysical media, plasmas, and materials, as well as the application of radio frequency electromagnetic techniques to remote sensing of the Earth and other bodies in the solar system. The journal does not publish papers on propagation in biological media, nor optical phenomena. The journal does not publish papers on the geophysics of space plasmas, which are better suited for publication in JGR: Space Physics..
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