100 Years of the International Union of Radio Science
In 1919, shortly after the end of World War I, a small number of countries created the International Research Council and, with it, four scientific Unions, of which one was the Union Internationale de Radiotélégraphie Scientifique. The first General Assembly was held in 1922, and in 1928 the Union changed its name to the Union Radioscientifique Internationale (URSI) or the International Union of Radio Science.
Since then URSI has grown from its original three members to over forty members and its areas of research have substantially evolved. However, a constant through the last century has been the dual strands of scientific research using radio techniques, and applied research to support the ever-growing application of electromagnetic waves and signals. Sometimes one has been in the ascendancy in URSI, sometimes the other. It seems very likely that this duality will continue into the second century, albeit with different emphases as topics wax and wane.
This centennial publication presents an eclectic compendium of articles from twenty Member Committees and all ten Commissions, plus one overview historical article. Each article has a different emphasis, with some focused on individuals and others on particular topics. Together we hope they provide a valuable historical narrative and much interesting reading.
This publication will soon become available in digital form for free. A printed copy can be ordered for 36 euro to cover printing and mailing costs. A link to order and prepay your printed copy is available under the heading "URSI 100 Years" on this page.
The Radio Science Bulletin
The Radio Science Bulletin (published quarterly in March, June, September and December) contains scientific articles covering the fields of interest of the ten scientific commissions of URSI. Emphasis lies on non-specialised contributions that are oriented towards the radioscientist community.
The Radio Science Bulletin also contains items of information concerning the activities of URSI; such as notices relating to past and future scientific symposia, announcements about the activities of the Board of Officers and the Scientific Commissions and the Working Groups of URSI, reports on relevant decisions of other ICSU organisations, as well as book reviews, and historical articles of interest to radioscientists.
Lists of the names and addresses of the Officers of URSI appear each year in the December issue. The Radio Science Bulletin has not been available in printed form since 2012, following a decision taken by the URSI Council at the Istanbul GASS.
URSI Radio Science Letters
URSI Radio Science Letters (RSL) is an electronic journal owned and operated by URSI. It was started in 2019 and its purpose is to rapidly publish original and previously unpublished scientific research work in all areas of radio science, in the form of short contributions that are rigorously reviewed. The journal is open access and will be published only in electronic format, one volume per calendar year. Each accepted contribution will be identified by volume number, year of publication, page numbers, and DOI. Each reviewed and accepted paper will be published as soon as full editing is completed. The URSI Board has appointed Prof. Henrik Wallén as the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of the RSL.
URSI-sponsored Journals
Radio Science
The Radio Science Journal, sponsored by URSI and published by the American Geophysical Union, contains original articles on all aspects of electromagnetic phenomena related to physical problems. It covers the propagation through and interaction of electromagnetic waves with geophysical media, biological media, plasmas, and man-made structures.